MARCH 16, 2020

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Welcome to the Weekly Medius PsychNews. Every week, we select five thought-provoking Psychology articles from hundreds published in journals and other media. Psychology Drives Everything.

Removing the Word "Balance" From Your Vocabulary
Ask any working mother, or working parent for that matter, what they most strive for, and chances are very good you will hear the answer, "balance." Balance in work life, home life, personal interests, time with significant others and friends and extended family. Unfortunately, striving for balance is a setup. Just when you get all of the plates spinning at once, and you can stand up and hold them there, something else will come along to knock them down. Your child gets sick, the boss requires just one more business trip this month, your best friend goes through a divorce, and you cannot make this week's exercise class yet again. Full article.

Making Healthy Habits That Last
Most people are aware that making healthy lifestyle changes would be good for their long term well-being, yet doing so can feel daunting for many.  According to an article in US News and World Report, about 80% of people will fail at their New Year’s Resolutions, and many by the middle of February. If you are feeling stuck trying to make changes, don’t dismay!  First, know that you are in good company and it can take lots of stops and starts, steps back as well as steps forward, to make wished-for changes.  Second, consider the following steps below to shift how you might be approaching change and notice if this makes a difference. Full article.
This High-Tech Form of Therapy Could Help You Defeat Your Worst Anxieties
Although workplace anxieties can be quite debilitating, many people hesitate to seek traditional care. Often, they’re reluctant to take medication or to enter long-term therapy. However, the longer they wait to intervene, the worse they become. Studies indicate that early intervention will result in an earlier return to work and reduce the likelihood of permanent disability. And when people are less anxious, presenteeism drops and productivity improves. While many people think of virtual reality as a way to enhance gaming, few are aware of the research demonstrating its usefulness for treating anxiety. Typically, treatment for anxiety disorders includes introducing the individual to small doses of real-life situations. This exposure therapy helps desensitize fears and build confidence, but time, distance, and costs are major roadblocks to treatment. VR helps eliminate those obstacles. Full article.

Has the Coronavirus Prompted a Company Quarantine?
You are going to be talking (online) all day.  Add a touch of humanity before you launch into requests. Convey that we are in it together. If you are the manager, this is especially important in establishing the official start of the day. Once the virtual greetings start pouring in, you will be relieved that everyone is present and ready for action. Be clear if official office hours have shifted now that no one is commuting. End the day with a “goodbye and thanks.” In the absence of visual cues, this signals that the workday is over and allows the group to share appreciation for all that has been accomplished. Full article.

Two Simple Strategies for Persuading Others
So far, this blog has focused on how people develop strong attitudes. But sometimes, you don’t want to strengthen an attitude. You want to weaken it—and in particular, weaken the strong attitudes of others. But what can be done to try to persuade people away from their strong attitudes? In today’s post, we’ll discuss two strategies for attitude change that you can employ in your own daily interactions with others. Full article.

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Editor: Nick Courmanopoulos