Closed-Circuit Thinking is a result of the interplay between perceived personal vulnerability and how individuals understand and accept truth. Here we explore the implications for managers and the rest of us.
Closed-Circuit Thinking is a result of the interplay between perceived personal vulnerability and how individuals understand and accept truth. Here we explore the implications for managers and the rest of us.
Motivated Reasoning is the tendency to develop elaborate rationalizations in support of a given point of view, and then seeking out sources that support that point of view while ignoring contrary evidence.
I was tempted to title this article, The Secret to Getting Your Act Together, but truth is, it’s no secret…if you live long enough and suffer long enough, you’ll eventually figure it out for yourself. Let me save you a little time and some pain. Time is the only currency you have with real
The elephant affects every aspect of your life, every moment of your day. The biggest elephant in every room is this: Psychology Drives Everything. Here we explore Psychology in Business.
A study conducted on ghosting and the relationship between known and unknown contacts in the healthcare industry. The effects of which could contribute to repressing innovation in healthcare and pharma.
All businesses are nothing more than a collection of individuals. Great companies harness the talents and motivations of their people through a meaningful and engaging culture that directs them to a common purpose (Mission).
The classical marketing literature holds that growth is not a strategy but the outcome of one. Where does the customer feature in corporate growth strategies? Here we explore why growth is not an effective long-term strategy with 7 steps to focus on delighting the customer.
The willingness to trust others is built into our DNA. Working together has always been key to the survival of our species. Having faith in one another is in the best interest of both the individual and the collective—especially in times of risk and uncertainty.
Motivated Reasoning is the tendency to develop elaborate rationalizations in support of a given point of view, and then seek out sources to support that point of view while ignoring contrary evidence. Relying on single studies is a poor basis for arriving at conclusions and making important decisions. Look for systematic literature reviews and consensus panels.
In the Rules of Entrepreneurship six themes consistently ran through the narratives of the participants. Digging deeper into each theme provided a wealth of wisdom about the experience of succeeding through risk-taking and ownership of results.